SRPA File-938Stockmeyer773
From Fallofman
See SRPA Terminal
[edit] file 938STOCKMEYER773
Located August 1st |
Surveillance audio, bunkroom. Transcribed by Project Abraham staffer, 11/16/50. [SOUND OF SNORING, MOVEMENT] OSTER: Shut up, you sissy - shut your filthy mouth! HALE: Oster, wake up! Oster! OSTER: What? What's your problem? HALE: You were talking in your sleep again. What gives? OSTER: None of your damn concern, Hale. HALE: Well, you're keeping me awake, so it's my concern now. OSTER: Just a bad dream, is all. HALE: Yeah, I figured that out. [PAUSE] OSTER: See, I used to bust up protest rallies and there was this one guy - I roughed him up pretty good. You shoulda seen him. One of my finer moments, I gotta say. HALE: Then, why do you have nightmares about it? OSTER: He was jabbering on about the military monster, or some BS. He just wouldn't shut his trap. Even after I cuffed him and handed him to the locals, he kept on yelling. [PAUSE] OSTER (CONT'D): Stuff I didn't want to hear. Paris, conspiracies, trash about President Grace, just all of it, blurring up in my head. I started punching him. I just...lost control. HALE: Even after he was handcuffed? OSTER: It was all I could do, all right? He wouldn't shut up! Finally, the locals pulled me off. He lived, but it wasn't pretty. Name was Elden. Elden Stockmeyer. Stupid name. HALE: This was in Iowa? OSTER: No, Florida. Now, if you'll leave me the hell alone, I'd like to get some sleep. HALE: Same here, so keep the volume down on your little trip down memory lane, OK? OSTER: I shouldn't have been picked. END AUDIO |