SRPA File-XX334147SV

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See SRPA Terminal file XX334147SV

  • The following are the core content of the puzzle trail leading to the 2nd DCN, and additional top secret documents.
Thank you for your participation in the War Department land survey. This undertaking will only succeed if you follow the instructions to the letter. Use the enclosed map to chart the parameters of the LDP. If all goes according to plan, this classified project will break ground in the next two years. Notice the epicenter point on the map - all directives will originate from it. Also, we have designated 26 strongholds with reddish-brown squares, these will be imperative as you move forward. Good luck. STEP ONE: The army uses radio towers to communicate vital information about the LDP to other operatives within the department. You must locate all 26 towers and assign them with the appropriate military code letter - the coordinates are listed below. (X) 19-X-1 (U) 29-J2-1 (F) 25-V2-1 (D) 17-F3-4 (Z) 21-Y-1 (R) 34-L2-3 (E) 24-W2-1 (H) 22-L3-2 (A) 14-H2-1 (S) 40-J2-2 (P) 37-R2-3 (G) 17-N3-3 (Y) 19-E2-4 (Q) 33-P2-4 (L) 42-A3-4 (I) 24-K3-3 (W) 22-D2-1 (B) 16-R2-3 (M) 39-W2-4 (J) 29-N3-2 (V) 27-A2-1 (O) 32-T2-1 (K) 32-H3-4 (T) 39-Z-2 (N) 34-W2-4 (C) 15-C3-3

STEP TWO: These are powerful radio transmitters: each one is able to broadcast all the way to HQm, and their signals can reach as far in the opposite direction, as well. So, to chart the coverage of each tower, draw a line in RED INK from HQ to the designated tower. Next, continue the line so that its length is doubled. When you are done, each radio tower will be the halfway point on its respective red line. Locate the end mark of each red line and COMPLETELY fill in the 4x4 square where it lands. Denote these end points with the same military letter code assigned to its corresponding radio tower. STEP THREE: Locate the key in the lower right corner of your map. Using this as a guide, connect the end-points of each red line using BLUE INK. STEP FOUR: Identify every instance where 2 of your blue lines intersect while also overlapping a notable landmark. Designate these points with black dots and then connect them all with BLACK INK and you will reveal the perimeter of our proposed LDP.

STEP FIVE: Write down the locations of every geographical feature located along this black boundary line. Then, organize the coordinates from smallest to largest, separating each number with a hyphen. STEP SIX: Run a GET function in SRPANET with this string.
