Frank Anthony Gennaro

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[edit] Frank Anthony Gennaro


  • Service Number: 389245TC
  • Place of Birth: Akron, Ohio
  • Date of Birth: 1/19/19
  • Inducted at: Detroit, Mich on 04.11.46
  • Rank: Captain in the U.S. Army

[edit] Dossier

  • Active as of July 22

[edit] Psych Report

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Captain Frank Gennaro is a family man, first and foremost. I'm hoping that we can resolve this experiment before he becomes eligible for injection. If his wife and kids knew what Project Abraham was all about, they would be praying for the same, I can only imagine.

When I have time, I want to work through his compulsions with gambling. Frank blames himself for his family's money problems - maybe that's how he got involved with this whole mess.

[edit] Record of Service

Record of Service / Army Form B.103-2




DETROIT, MICH on 04.11.46

Report date Record of promotions, reductions, transfers, casualties, etc. Date of implementation
4/15/46 Completion of IADT. Syracuse Rct Camp 4/16/46
4/17/46 Transfer to 3 BRIG 2 INF CAMP GORDON, GA 4/19/46
10/15/47 Promoted to First Lieutenant. Transferred to Fort Devens, Massachusetts 10/15/47
11/12/48 Transferred to 2 BRIG 1 INF, Camp Shelby, MISS. Supply Officer. 11/15/48
1/24/50 Promoted to Captain. Transferred to 1st BAT 21 INF CO C, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii 1/26/50
10/10/50 Transfer to ALASKA - specific base location classified 10/12/50

[edit] Dossier - July 25

[edit] Videos

[edit] Dossier - July 29

[edit] Psych Report (2)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

I feel like a monster. I just learned that Frank Capt. Gennaro is now eligible for this week's test. How can I continue working here knowing full well that our research could deprive two kids of their loving father? Or send another widow out into the world to fend for a shattered family?

Then again, why does Gennaro have any more right to live than the other two? They're all human beings, right? I have to maintain my objectivity.

In light of his inclusion in the new voting pool, I had a longer session with Frank today. He's wracked with guilt - over duty, responsibility and, mainly, over money. It seems that the captain has a long history of gambling problems. He mentioned some loan sharks (I think that's what they're called), but he shut down when I pressed him on the matter. I think Frank has a lot of fear pent up inside him, but I don't blame him one bit.

This situation has forced me to reevaluate my role at Project Abraham. How can I "fix" this soldier's issues in such a limited frame of time? I know that's an impossible way to think about it, but I refuse to just sit back and read them their last rites.

I have to give Frank some semblance of psychological comfort. That goes for the rest of the men, as well.

[edit] Dossier - Aug 1

[edit] Psych Report (3)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Nov. 17th, 1950

My meeting with Frank Gennaro was brief and telling. His shoulders stiffened up when I came into the room, so I wasted no time in letting him off the hook; I told him that he wasn't chosen for the injection this week. It was as if he was playing his own mental game of Russian roulette. He heard the all-important "click" and knew that the bullet was in another chamber... this time.

But, the other side of this coin has an ugly face. Captain Gennaro is tensing up, ready to hear the blast of a pistol pointed at his head. I hope it never is.

[edit] Dossier - Aug 5

[edit] Psych Report (4)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Nov. 21st, 1950

I am most torn about Capt. Gennaro. It's difficult to separate out his fitness as a scientific candidate from the fact that he has a family. I am also concerned about the affect choosing him will have on the other's morale. Several of the men have expressed their concern.

As the days go on, Gennaro seems to become more and more on edge. Not in quite the same way as the other men. He becomes keener, more alert, more alive. It is all, in some way, an exciting roll of the die for him.

[edit] Dossier - Aug 8

[edit] Psych Report (5)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Nov. 24st, 1950

The captain came in and sat down. He seemed calm, but I don't think he really was. He probably has a very good poker face. I told him that he hadn't been selected. He nodded.

I asked him if there was anything he needed to talk about, but he said no and thanked me. I told him that there was a strong sentiment among the others that he should not be chosen. He said, 'You sit down at the table, you take your chances. Someone's got to draw a losing hand. I knew what I had signed up for.'

[edit] Dossier - Aug 12

[edit] Psych Report (6)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Nov. 28st, 1950

Humanity will find its way into any situation - even Project Abraham. I learned that when I saw Frank Gennaro teaching the other soldiers the finer points of five-card draw. He acted like their father, patient and warm (even though he soaked them for a good thirty bucks, according to Frank). They're forming bonds to make some sense out of the insanity all round them. Even in a place like this, the men find hope.

But each week, I see a piece of Gennaro's spirit die along with the test subjects. When Brown went, it was like he lost a son. And even though Frank and Oster weren't close, you could see the Captain's paternal instinct kick in toward the end.

He's a protector. I admire him. I need to be more like Frank Gennaro.

[edit] Dossier - Aug 15

[edit] Psych Report (7)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Dec. 1st, 1950


[edit] Dossier - Aug 19

[edit] Psych Report (8)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Dec. 5th, 1950


[edit] Dossier - Aug 22

  • Added after being informed he was chosen to receive the next PA injection

[edit] Videos

[edit] Psych Report (9)

Psych Report

SOLDIER: Capt. Frank Gennaro
DOCTOR: Dr. Cassie Aklin

Dec. 8th, 1950


[edit] Unopened Letter

If I should happen to die, I want the truth to be known. I'm not proud of some of the things I've done, but I took care of everything before my death. In fact, covering my debts may have actually caused my death. But that slimebag Vic Rigeti can't say that I didn't pay him back. He got every dime. If he tries to weasle anything more out of my family, I want the military to protect them, even if it means ruining my reputation and exposing my gambling habits. Security for my wife and kids - that's all I ask for. It's the least the U.S. government can do for me, after all I've sacrificed at Project Abraham. Bonnie, Willy and Lydia know how much I loved them - that's all that matters to me.
Capt. Frank Gennaro

[edit] Vic's Letter


[edit] Check


  • The account reference in the check leads to SRPA file SBST67100928

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