From Fallofman
(Redirected from Dossiers)
[edit] Project Abraham Soldier Dossiers
- A number of soldiers' official documentations were made avilable for viewing on July 22.
- The dossiers include tapes containing videos related the individuals - recorded interviews, documented injections, logs, etc.
- Each dossier contains a psycho-analysis by Dr. Cassie Aklin, a photo, and a record of service, plus any additional documents.
[edit] Soldiers
- Captain Frank Anthony Gennaro (vote #2, #3, #4)
- Private Joseph Capelli
- 1st Lieutenant Glenn Albert Khaner (vote #3-selected)
- Sergeant Nathan Hale (vote #4)
- Sergeant Channing Brown (vote #1-selected)
- Lieutenant Kenneth Danby (vote #1, #2, #3, #4)
- Sergeant Keith Todd Oster (vote #1, #2-selected)