Presence of Non-Human Amino Acids in European Tissue Samples
SRPA - 8, Crihkhorn Lab
Abstract: Use of an ISMA (Ion Sourced Mass Analyzer) a recent
breakthrough piece of equipment that measures the presence and
amount of ions in a sample, thereby determining the chemical
composition of a sample, has determined that tissue samples
under study containing amino acids show an unusually high
degree of racemic distribution, and contain isovaline and
pseudoleucine. The implication is that the tissues are not
only non-human, but non-terrestrial, and in fact, possible
non-solar in origin.
Conclusion: The racemic distribution of amino acids could
indicate that the sample has assimilated not just one
non-human antecedent but perhaps hundreds.
[ - graph - ]
Sample Distribution
Assoc. Doc: AN94253577