SRPA File-DK62462A5

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[edit] file DK62462A5

Item #5 of PEL DK62462A: a letter reply from Brown to his mother

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to write,
but I know how sad you'll be when I'm gone. I
need you to know, I'm not the son you thought I
was.  I shot Closton.  It was a horrible accident,
but I still blame myself.  Every hour, every day,
I wish he was back.  He's the son you should
mourn, not me.

Closton's face has haunted me ever since I was 11
years old.  That's why I volunteered for Project
Abraham - to replace my nightmares with worse
nightmares and to make you safe.  Since I couldn't
save Closton from what I did to him, I wanted to
save you.  But, I don't think I ever stood a chance.

I saw things in Europe that I never want you to
see, even though I fear that you will.  In time,
everyone's going to see them.  They're everywhere
and they can't be stopped.

This Austrian named Eigner, he took a picture of
them.  I think that Zeisz camera died with him -
it was shot up real bad.  That picture could
change things, make people know what's going on.
At least it could make things real - otherwise,
maybe I'm just crazy and I dreamed the whole thing
up with my nightmares.

Don't cry - we'll see each other in heaven, I'm

Your loving son,
